CONNECTED builds capacity in plant vector-borne disease research and teaching, enhancing knowledge, skills, experience and professional connections.
We work in partnership to co-produce and co-deliver innovative multidisciplinary training programmes for early career researchers around the globe, and provide subsidised places on world-class courses at international institutions.
More than a thousand people have been reached by our work training around 140 scientists from 23 countries. Take a look at some of our training case studies or read more about out our Vector and Virus Diagnostics online training programme.
Although we awarded these places, not everyone was able to take up the opportunity due to a range of factors, such as visas, the pandemic and other issues.
Training Grants
From 1 February – 17 March 2020 applications were invited from CONNECTED network members for a grant up to the value of £3,000 for training and learning activities, such as:
- attending courses or workshops providing knowledge and skills in plant virology and/or entomology
- laboratory learning visits, and
- work shadowing.
Read more about who received awards.
All year-round training for existing courses
For the whole of 2019, we offered network members the opportunity to apply for training funding. Full information here.
Training Vouchers
Training vouchers were awarded from October 2018 – October 2019.
You can read blog articles written by some of the successful applicants, relaying their experiences:
V4: The CONNECTED Development Programme for Early Career Researchers (UK)
Virus Vector Vice Versa (V4) was a fully-funded ten-day residential course at the University of Bristol, UK. The purpose of V4: The CONNECTED Development Programme for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) was to create a cohort of ECRs with a joint understanding of virology and entomology which enables them to collaborate effectively on the research challenges of plant vector borne diseases in Africa. V4 ran from Monday 10 – Friday 21 June 2019 inclusive, at The School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, UK. You can read more about the event using this link.
The application of molecular diagnostics for plant virus surveillance (Nigeria)
Early career researchers working on plant disease carried by insect vectors were able to apply for full funding to attend a five-day introductory level vector and virus diagnostics course in Ibadan, Nigeria, in November 2019, run by CONNECTED in Ibadan from 4 – 8 November 2019, in association with The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Newcastle University, and The Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK. The partnership arrangement was arranged to fully fund travel, accommodation, subsistence and all training costs for up to 20 successful applicants. Read more.
An introduction to virus and vector diagnostics (Kenya)
Network members were able to apply for full funding to cover travel, accommodation, subsistence and all training costs at a five-day course, organised by CONNECTED in association with Biosciences eastern and central Africa – International Livestock Research Institute (BecA – ILRI) Hub, in Nairobi from Monday 11 to Friday 15 March 2019. Read more.
Two opportunities have been provided for members to apply for full funding for a course at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, one starting in January 2019, the second in January 2020.
Two of our network members were awarded places on the 2019 course, and on this website you can read blogs about the course from Edith Avedi and Adedapo O. Adediji.
In 2020, the course was attended by Rose Tafadzwa Masekesa (Zimbabwe) and Leke Walter Nkeabeng (Cameroon).
Early Career Researcher Training Workshop
We ran a two-day training course for Early Career Researcher network members in May 2018, in Uganda. Focused on leadership & management skills, grant and paper writing, it was organised by Scriptoria.
Read some comments from people who have taken part in our training events here.
Communications Coaching
More than 100 early career researchers from 27 countries were able to take part in a series of innovative ‘communicating your science’ coaching sessions in summer 2020. Read more here.
Don’t miss out
To receive news of further opportunities for CONNECTED Network members, simply sign up to join, free, using this link.