With hundreds of members joining the network, successful funding calls, conferences and training events, CONNECTED is thriving … and we are looking for ways to grow further and wider.
There are lots of ways that members can further contribute to the network: for example by writing a blog article, or making a presentation to help promote your involvement in the CONNECTED network: we can even provide you with the materials you need!
Getting involved in this way can not only help the network grow – it can raise your own profile at the same time.
Here are a couple of examples of network members doing this.
Blog by Joshua Raymond Muhumuza
Conference presentation by Dr G. Mandela Fernandez-Grandon
John Oladokun’s experience at Texas A&M AgriLife Centre
Want to know more about getting involved in this way? Please get in touch if you’re interested, by email to: connectedvirusnetwork@gmail.com