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Top 10 CONNECTED resources

If you are interested in topics around plant viruses and health, entomology and integrated pest management, then we are sure to have something to interest you on the CONNECTED website.

Below we have compiled a list of 10 links to sets of resources that you can use to grow your knowledge and raise awareness of plant health issues.

These are all freely available to CONNECTED members (you will be prompted to login).

Personal and career skills/knowledge development

Vector and Virus Diagnostics online training resources – a self-led course

Train the Trainer online resources – to help you develop your own course

10 webinars on plant virology and entomology topics, plus 3 on biopesticides

Conference presentations – dozens of filmed presentations on plant health topics

Useful knowledge resources and links – open access articles and video links

Outreach and communicating about your work

Plant health videos – that you can use to raise awareness of insect-spread plant viruses

Crop infographics – downloadable fact sheets on yam, cassava, sweet potato and plantain/banana

Researcher tools – for data sharing, reporting, sequence and genome analysis and more


Members directory – enabling you to find other members by country and research specialisms

Agricultural organisations directory – find organisations innovating in agriculture across the world

If you are not yet a member, it is fast, easy and free to join. We have more than 1600 members in 92 countries!