Spotlight on… CABI Academy

If you are a CONNECTED member you may well be familiar with CABI, the international NGO that applies scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.
They also run a global plant clinic network where farmers can find practical plant health advice. Growers visit with samples of their crops, and plant doctors diagnose the problem and make science-based recommendations on ways to manage it.
CABI Academy – online interactive training courses
If part of your role is teaching or training, it might be worth looking at the CABI Academy online courses. They provide interactive exercises and resources to help participants grow their knowledge, and are suitable for anyone who teaches in an agricultural education institution or a workplace.
CABI offer courses on:
Crop Pest Diagnosis: Gain skills to identify new and emerging crop threats, symptom identification and causes of biotic and abiotic plant health problems.
Crop Pest Management: How to apply Integrated Pest Management principles for pest and disease management to real-world scenarios.
Introduction to Bioprotection Products: Practical guidance to help learners choose, use and advise others about bioprotection products.
Free options

There are options to take certain courses for free in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso and Rwanda, and participants can study online at their own pace.