Free online lecture: plant health and international standards in Africa
Wednesday 14 September, 13:30-14:30 BST
The Royal Society of Biology (RSB) is running a plant health lecture on International Standards in Africa, which is open to all.

The keynote address will be delivered by Dr MaryLucy Oronje, sanitary and phytosanitary manager at CABI, and will discuss topics relating to plant health and international standards in Africa. This will be followed by an interactive Q&A and audience discussion.
This event is open to all, but will be particularly relevant to plant health professionals and professional bioscientists working in areas related to plant science.
This event is free to attend but advanced registration is required. Please book your place on the event page (you just need to register).
About the series
The plant health series is an RSB and Defra partnership, building on previous and ongoing RSB plant health initiatives, that aims to develop a network and community of future leaders to build UK plant health capability and capacity. This is the third event in the series and previous events are available to watch on the RSB YouTube channel: the GB plant biosecurity strategy and summer conference.