NEW – Agricultural Organisations Directory
27th January 2023
Just launched! Use this new directory to look up organisations which are relevant to plant health… you can view them by category or see them all on a map.

NEW Biopesticides webinars for members
26th January 2023
We are delighted to announce that CONNECTED members will now be able to participate in three webinars on bio-pesticides, so you can increase your knowledge and ask an expert your questions!

Translating research projects into real-world applications
15th December 2022
We have now selected the six pump-prime funded research teams who will be receiving new CONNECTED funding to exploit, translate and disseminate their work, building on what was learned to take it further or convert it into practical applications that will have a real impact on agriculture.

9th Online Seminar – Fungal Pathogens (postponed)
2nd December 2022
Some of you told us you were interested in fungal pathogens, so our next online seminar is a fungus special!

Welcoming Dr Andy Bailey
23rd November 2022
We are delighted to announce that Dr Andy Bailey is joining the CONNECTED Directorship. Andy manages the active plant pathology lab at the University of Bristol and will bring a great deal of knowledge and expertise to our network.

Banging the drum for plant health… at COP27
10th November 2022
CONNECTED recently had the opportunity to contribute to a key paper which will be launched at COP27 in Egypt this month.

Leveraging more impact from plant health research
27th October 2022
Following CONNECTED’s recent award of £500K from UKRI International, we have now launched our plan to leverage more impact from the pump-prime funded research projects created by the initial grant. How will this work? We got in touch with all our pump-prime funded…

Christa joins the team
26th October 2022
Christa Muller is joining the CONNECTED Network Team for a year as our Executive Assistant. Below she tells you a little about herself and what brought her here…

From Sentinel Plants to Trap Crops: our 8th online seminar
29th September 2022
We were delighted to see a good number of members at our 8th online seminar, which featured two superb talks by Dr Wubetu Bihon Legesse and Dr Tom Pope. Here are some of the things we learned…

First international plant health conference
28th September 2022
The CONNECTED team recently attended the first ever International Plant Health Conference, organised by the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).