Below are details of the 11 people who were successful in their application for a CONNECTED Training Grant in the first round, which enabled early career researchers to apply for a grant up to the value of £3,000 for training and learning activities.

Applicants were able to choose their proposed activity and its duration, with grants covering travel, visas, immunisation, accommodation, subsistence, course fees and consumables.

Places were awarded following a competitive review process, and all applications were supported by the applicant’s organisation.

Training Vouchers: second round successful applications

Network members were invited to apply to a CONNECTED scheme allowing early career researchers from any country to seek a funded training visit, up to the value of £3,000.

The full list of successful applications resulting from this call is shown below.

Below you can read a list of those who successfully applied for a CONNECTED Training Voucher during the second round of the scheme.

CONNECTED Network Training Vouchers awards 2019